
I have been a designer/craftsman for many years mostly in wood and metals,
I created the 'reel rocker' at reelfurniture my first site back in 2002 which has been copied by many and other eco furniture for schools - tree seats, benches from building boards, tables and chairs

I concentrated more on the signage back in 2010 using reclaimed copper, aluminium and brass with limed english oak for frames.
My portfolio includes door numbers for apartments in UK and USA, commercial shop/cafe/office signage

Eco  designer/maker using mostly reclaimed materials - copper, steel, claddings and timbers etc. Unique Copper and oak signage, eco furniture, homeware and door furniture

I have made furniture in the Japanese ‘tensu’ style wonderful for its simple and balanced design and respect the works of Richard Buckminster Fuller he of the geodesic dome and ‘synergy’. He it was who introduced me to ‘structures of least effort’ (energy and materials), which is how ‘natural’ organisms, are constructed. So I find it interesting and a challenge to avoid square joints and the usual methods of construction which are the hallmark of ‘man’ and to design pieces with a more efficient construct.