David Meddings DeSign
Art Nouveau style Copper numbers letters polished, hammered, brushed or green/patinated 6"/150mm high Rivanna font
Art Nouveau style Copper numbers letters polished, hammered, brushed or green/patinated 6"/150mm high Rivanna font
To order - please choose buttons for Number of characters and finish/fitting/layout required and add characters to Custom box below. For combo of number and CAPITAL letter - click number buttons as above - add to cart Quantity 1 - then click CAPITAL letter Quantity 1 - add to cart. Lower case letters are priced as numbers.
copper, or brass screws, or copper rosehead nails, layout sheet, instructions. or sign tape (no holes) - please mention in Custom box
Image notes -
14 in polished Rivanna font on clients painted cladding
5 in green finish
19 in hammered finish
Rivanna font - courtesy Nick Curtis
Making 1 -2 weeks
Made from upcycled lacquered copper or green patinated. Polished copper reflects light of course so car and street lamps will reveal your house number without illumination and electricity - an eco option ? Characters are fixed onto wood with copper rosehead nails or brass round head screws or if requested can be left undrilled for fixing with double sided tape to a clean surface e.g. coated wood or metal - this is ideal for mailboxes. Layout sheet is a prepared paper for positioning on the wall/surface. Horizontal is left/right, vertical is up/down. Please note it is not always possible to match the same colour across all numbers in the green option